The Masses and Mass Media
The term masses was coined in the nineteenth century to talk about the changes in the structure of society was undergoing industrialization and he emergence of a massive working class.
The masses were known as having influence on opinion and on social character.
It is the masses response that shapes, classifications, laws, and judgement about actions, and it is this function of the collectivity that characterizes the masses as such
The rise of mass culture is also characterized like modernity; with increased industrialization and mechanization of modern society, populations consolidated around urban centers
From the urban metropolis the cities emptied out in to what were known as the suburbs. These were tight knit communities
The use of film, television, consumerism, and cheap amusements provided the connections among this almost alienated population
Mass media has been a term used since the 1920's to describe the media platform for large audiences that have a shared interest.
Jean Baudrillard used the term "cyberblitz" to describe the escalation of unpredictable and random media forms, images, and information that have bombarded us in postmodern society
Media Forms
A group of communication industries and technologies that come together to produce and spreads public news, entertainment, and information
medium- specific technologies through which public news, entertainment, and information are spread
The way in which someone speaks, inflection, tone, pitch and volume all convey a meaning within a meaning of what is being said.
Media editing work within a specific set of contexts to convey the meaning in which the show is intended to teach to the general audiences
Cross referencing in entertainment has brought a way to make it seem as important ti our lives as are politics and real-life events.
Broadcast, Narrowcast, and Webcast Media
Broadcast- has one central source broadcasting a signal to many venues
Narrowcast- targeted, via cable or other means, to niche audience
Early broadcasting model was narrowcast and has now been replaced with satellite transmission making global communications possible
Stories on the web have helped people to gain access to a greater audience. The use of youtube has not only helped start careers but also has created a new framework of fame and notoriety
The use of consumer-user production, home entertainment, and web media suggests that the model of broadcasting has lost its dominance
Media and the Public Sphere
A public sphere is a space, a physical space, social setting or media arena in which citizens come together to debate and discuss the pressing issues of their society
But the problem with this set us is that it was just a facade because the average person was not able to keep up with the political issues and events given the chaotic pace of industrial society.
In ideal terms Habermas postulates that this public sphere of genuine debate within civil society. There is this compromise by other forces in society including consumer culture, the rise of mass media, and the intervention of the state in the private sphere if the family and home.
many publics that can overlap and work in tension with each other; working class publics, religious publics, feminist publics, and so forth.
National and Global Media Events
By airing an issue or event internationally, broadcasters signal global importance and offer a means of connecting affected communities across vast distances.
public viewing of televisions grew in popularity in Japan in 1950s, because most households did not have a television. After more homes had TVs the outdoor program shifted to entertainment, wrestling, and businesses would capitalize on getting a TV to increase business.
This collective viewing was also a bonding experience for all of those people who were watching it together.
Contemporary Media and Image Flows
The pictures of the flag draped coffins of US military was something that was never shown, but the public refused to let these service men and women go without getting the recognition they deserved for their sacrifices. Even though the images were released the faces of those carrying the coffins were blacked out, so even with freedom of distribution, there are still restrictions.
In media power is not held by one group or individuals
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