Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jordan Rathus

Non fiction that blends in narrative devices, Jordan uses these themes
Lives in Brooklyn

1)about her work
2) lifestyle question

unusual trajectory to becoming an artist.
theater- writing and acting
16 got her first camcorder
went to paris for her film class
Went to NYU for film
production assistant job right away and worked for tv production
She wasn't making art or film the way she wanted to
and went back to school
Columbia MFA program
Writing a little, making work, teaching, exhibiting, gallery space. Mix and mach of art and life

--Video based, attacking the image, but it can be entertaining and she pulls from entertainment shows and humor. And she bleieves that is the best way to attack the system. Lightness to work.

--Real work/ the game show

  • video piece
  • surreal and insane 
  •  like the real world and its a blur of reality and fiction
  • how to create on camera persona "reality" 
  • so much consideration on a person's performance
  • adjusting and editing while things are happening
  • who is really in control?

Relation with reality tv

  • using the skill set that she worked for tv and applying it to working with artists. 
  • help these people that don't know how to make a full production
Shipping container
red carpet
cut out
and 8x8 step and repeat 
Celeb culture 
hired a friend to be a paparazzi with her and took a picture with "her"
Create work from work
Have an evolution

After graduation- residency in Michigan 
  • Ox bow
  • documentation of landscape and her experience 
  • persona- when you are in the middle of no where
  • NY persona in the wilderness
recycled story boards scripts and notes all put together in a grid
reduced each frame from each scene and lay it back onto the paper

narrative disjointedness. people not being able to communicate reasonable, obscured and inspired by the plays in high school

story within the story, showing the production side. No fake name, persona of the artist. Extreme versions of herself. What is right and what is fair when it comes to using a culture and showing it in a piece. 

20 min short film Double Agency 
appropriating different sources- copy and pasted sounds bites from breaking bad and double identity in a critical context using humor 
stretching the idea of artwork

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Section 1

Marx speaks of use-value and exchange-value of a commodity, this commodity is something that meets a human want or need. The exchange value is how the object is acquired, he uses the examples of iron and corn.  There will always be an equation for how much to exchange corn for iron. These two aspects of commodities are separate but also always connected and will always be intertwined.  The exchange value of a commodity is merely an expression of its value, this is what connects all commodities so that they can all be exchanged with each other.  Marx also explains that the value of a commodity does not remain consistent as it evolves, advances or varies in labor productivity.  But the value of the object must meet the requirement of the need for use value or the commodity will be worthless.  So as long as an object holds use vale therefore it, produced in quantity, will hold a value within society.

Section 2

There is a relationship between the labor to create the commodity and the value of it. There is a correlation between the labor and the value, so if the labor is increased to create something the value will then have to increase to meet the labor cost. Different types of labor create different kinds of use values.

Section 4

In a capitalist society the values of commodities are studied by political economists, they take information and see how much money was generated by a specific commodity. These people do not look at the value as something completely independent from the social labor that originally determined the value of the object.  This process is called fetishism, where objects are imagined to dictate the social activities that produce them. Marx compared the creation of these products as a manufacturing of something to fill a void.  These objects are seen like a deity that fulfill a desire within their lives that is not filled by a sense of community or family. It is not until commodities enter into an exchange do thy create a relation to another commodity.  Once in an exchange, commodities values are determined by the amount of the socially useful labor-time put into them.  In the reading the example of diamonds and quarts, it is harder and takes more time to mine a diamond then it does to mind quartz, so in this relationship diamonds cost more then quartz.  when the worker no longer owns the means to production they no longer have access to the knowledge of how much work was taken to produce the product.  So now the value is changed to something off of a mystical value rather then a labor related value.

Chapter 3
Section 1

There are two sides to the process of labor. On the first side is the the buyer and on the other is the worker or producer.  The buyer purchases from the worker, and the worker receives a wage for his labors.  Labor has become one in the object, the worker who has put effort to create the object had been transferred to the object, giving it value. The capitalist owns everything in the production process they are free to sell for their own profit.  The goal is not to sell only use value products but a commidity.

The goal is to create surplus to create a  profit from the commodity.  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Chapter 8

Postmodernism, Indie Media, and Popular Culture

We have lost sight of the real. In disneyland and Disney World, there are replicas from around the world, cities and small towns, and this can satisfy people longing for the world.

We live in a world where most modernism, modernism and the ideas of pre modernism are all combined.  Many ideas from modernism technology, science and progress remained dominant in post modern culture.

This chapter shows how the underlying meanings of post modernism translates to postmodern styles in art, media, and advertising.

Postmodernism and its Visual Culture

Postmodernity is referring to changes in the social and economic conditions that help to produce these styles and ways of being a subject.

Appropriation, parody, pastiche, and self conscience nostalgic play are just some of the approaches associated with postmodernism.  This and the rise of remix of culture is a result of shifting postmodern sensibilities coupled with the emergence of a set of technological practices enabled by the Web and digital technology.

Addressing the Postmodern Subject

Through these films, viewers engage with simulated environments with jaded sense that we know what is to come and that our bodies may be physically malleable and changeable through technology and medicine.

Reflexivity and Postmodern Identity 

Reflectivity, in text refers to its own means of production, undermines the illusion or fantasy aspects of the narrative, encouraging the viewer to be critical thinker about the ideology conveyed by the narrative.

the surface is understood to be a crucially meaningful element of social life and not simply the illusion put over the real, like make up almost hiding a blemish underneath.

The body image in postmodernism is something that can be easily changed, through surgery, or buying of makeup and feature alterations.  Sex, eye color, skin tone and facial features are some things that are now a quick fix if someone feels the need to change themselves. This is a sharp contrast to modernity because the body was seen a stable, boundaried and fixed.

Postmodern Space, Geography, and the Built Environment

Marc Auge refers to these as non places, sites in which we are solitary, disconnected and distracted, sites that are defined in a certain sense by the lack of presence they demand from those within them.

Appropriation, pastiche, and bricolage were everywhere apparent in the design of the Vegas strip, not as international expression of a culture of critique but as means through which the postmodern subject communicated and interacted with and through its built environment.

We live in a world were there is a tension between postmodernity and modernity are always conflicting but creating an interesting dynamic in our lives.

Chapter 7

Consumer Societies

In a capitalist economy the overproduction of good is what is depended on, this means that there must be a desire to make this profitable.

It has been debated that in a consumer driven world, the idea of self image and a person's status is driven by the objects they own.  These objects seem to give meaning to their lives because they are lacking the connection to a real community.

As in the ads for body soap, no one was very aware of the need for perfumed body soap until the idea was placed in front of them, the need to fill the gap or even entice women to thinking if they buy the soap they will never be lonely.

The post war economy supported the consumer idea because the United States was in a very good place  . In this association the idea of being a citizen was then adopted to being a consumer, because a good citizen was a consumer.

Envy, Desire, and Belonging

Bourdieu identified different forms of capital, in addition to economic capital, he also expanded on social capital, symbolic capital and lastly cultural capital.

Advertising targets a group of people to appeal to either a connection between family, generation, nation, or community

It is a psychological idea to try and convince people to buy products bcause of a lack or want of something in their life.

Commodity Culture and Commodity Fetishism

Commodities are defined as things that are bought and sold in a social system of exchanges.  "commodity self" is the idea that we as a person are partially defined through our consumption of commodities.

Commodity Fetishism where massed produced goods are emptied of the meaning of their production and then reassociated with a new meaning that mystifies the product and turns it into a fetich object.

Many producers of "made in the United States" are taking parts form overseas and assembling them here.

Brands and Their Meanings

Brands are product names that have meaning attached to them through naming, packaging, advertising, and marketing.

brand meaning is usually established through repetition of a symbol or shape.

Also the replacement of a brand name as an action or object

Marketing of Coolness

Finding that a group could be marked to to be associated with "coolness".

The attachment of "coolness" to products, this would have them seen as unique, distinct and uninfluenced.

The addition of adding philanthropic ideas to ads. Like (RED) it is both pleasing aesthetically and morally makes a consumer feel good about what they are doing and spending their money on.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Work of art in the the age of mechanical reproduction

Walter Benjamin
Born July 15, 1892- September 26, 1940

  • literary critic
  • essayist 
  • philosopher
  • social critic
  • translator
  • radio broadcaster 

The original need for replication was for pupils learning under a master trying to learn a skill or replicate their work.  The new method of mechanical reproduction is something very different.

The mass production of replication was the creation of coins, terra-cotta, and bronze.  Etching was added to wood cuts and then followed lithographs. Lithographs was transcendent from the art world to the everyday world by invading the wold of graphic arts.  This allowed large quantities of products and it was also able to be changed quickly.  The art of printing was soon passed by the use of photography. The camera allowed for an image that maybe a hand could not capture.

"even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element; its presence in time and space, its unique existance at the place where it happens to be."

Most art, its story and its existence includes the changes that it could have encountered on its travels to exhibitions, the owners it was passed to and the physical changes that could have occurred to it over time.

The more an image is reproduced the less its presence is valued.

Showing the perception of time is something that was never done, in doing this you can also see a type of social change. Aura is the special quality that comes from a person, place , or thing.  The desire of contemporary masses to bring things "closer" spatially and humanly.

Photography started as a way of documenting the loved ones and the ones who had passed on, but as we step away from just documentary it starts to show the ritual value. Atget and all of his photographs of the streets of Paris.  Now the need for a caption is necessary to lead the viewer.

Film and performance art are two very different entities, the element of film is to make you see as the camera does, and the film can be manipulated to make the viewer appreciate the acting more because we as an audience do not need to interpret actions.  While a stage actor needs to be aware of how the crowd is viewing him or her as they walk across stage and act.  These people have a presence that is forgotten by the audience and the camera angles in movies are used to create this same effect.

Some actors in Russian films are not actors at all, but are regular people who perform the job on a daily bases and will be filmed to show greater accuracy in a situation.  This is very much unlike the western movie making.

Massive reproduction of art changes how the masses react to art.  The progressive reaction is characterized by the intimate visual and emotional enjoyment. Film is easier to have this reaction to next to a painting or drawing because it is relatable in the situation of things.  These we can take from our everyday life and apply them to what we see.

Dadaism wanted to create something by pictorial and literary means. They applied less importance to the sales value of their work than to its usefulness for contemplative immersion.  They made the works of art the center of scandal, their use to outrage the public.

War has set goals for mass movement on the largest scale. war is ugly but it can somehow strangely be beautiful.  The manifesto dictates the ugliness of war but it somehow brings to light the strange beauty that it contains. Fascism in rendering aesthetic while communism responds by politicizing art.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chapter 5

Visual Technologies, Image Reproduction, and the copy

The term reproduction is a way to describe a copy of an original work. Im Marxist theory uses the term reproduction to describe the way culture practices and their forms of expression reproduce the ideologies and interests of the ruling class.

Visual Technologies 
Technology itself does not determine social change.

Technology interacts with a society and its facets, when doing so it creates changes not only in the technology but in the culture and society it is in.

Speaking about photography as a technology that was once rarely used to something that is integrated in to our everyday life.

Motion and Sequence 

The introduction of film on the late 1800's corresponded with an increased desire to visualize motion in an increasingly evolving and fast paced society in the late 19th century.

Projection machines were invented in the likeness of the camera obscura, a drum shaped object that had a light source and a strip of images that gave the illusion to a movement occurring.

Cinematic meaning is derived not from the individual film frame or take but through the linking together of images an takes into signifying chains. The combination of the two images to create a third meaning.

Image Reproduction; The Copy
The term negative was used to mean an original from which the image was struck.  A daguerreotype was the sole original if the negative was tilted slightly it can be made to reflect light to make the image appear positive

The term noeme comes from phenomenology, a branch of philosophy devoted to the study of embodied sensory experience, which is regarded as the root of being and knowledge.

In Barthes book, Camera Lucida, shows us that the photograph unlike a painting or drawing, has the ability to be copresent. It shares a place and time to which it is representing.

Even though photography was invented in 1839 it wasn't until 1902 that photographs were shown in galleries. And by the end of WWI there was a commercial use for photography.

Walter Benjamin and Mechanical Reproduction

Benjamin saw reproducibility as a potentially revolutionary element because it freed art from it status as a uniquely ritual artifact in traditions of the iconic reverence and exchange.

Benjamin argued that "Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place it happens to be."

Authenticity can refer to seeing or structuring an image as if without the help of the technologies available to us today. It is also applied to the a quality that clings to the idea of classic type within a catagory of people or icons.

Benjamin also noted that the meaning of the original work changes when it is reproduced.

Benjamin's main arguments on reproduction still remain valit today. The meaning of the image is changed when the image is reproduced and the mechanical reproducibility of images changes their relationship to ritualsof meaning, use and value in their respective markets.

Politics of Reproductibility

The photo-collage by Heartfield allows him to make a political statement through reworking images and combining familiar images in new ways. In that sense a drawing may not be able to accomplish the same thing

The reproduction to the portrait of Che shows the relationship to revolution that the people shared with him. Also they speak of him as Che and not his last name, Guevana, this shows an emotional connection that has formed between not only the people viewing these images but also the people creating them.  The relation to reproduction is also the ability to include text, and the ability to immediately associate an image with a word or phrase is something that is extremely powerful.

Copies, Ownership, and Copyright

The term "copyright" means exactly what it says, the right to copy or reproduce an image.  This includes the right to distribute, produce, copy, display,perform, create and control derivative works based on the original.

In trying to understand the terms of copyright in relation to reproductions of a painting, the painting is a unique expression of the painters idea and not in the literal uniqueness of the object itself.

The question of consent is also a big factor when coming into the idea of copyright.  The right to privacy and informed consent.  Because of the film Titicut Follies, which showed life a Massachusetts correctional facility for the criminally insane. The other factors are the consent of the people being filmed and their understanding out how that material obtained will be used.

Reproduction and the Digital Image

Because a digital image has no negative, no original storage medium from which copies are made. Analog images are different from those of a digital image in how they look, generated, stored and distributed.

The digital image is also based on instant pleasure, like the invention of the Polaroid camera invented in the 1960's. The instant image is something that analog cannot do.

The manipulation of digital images is not what revolutionized it, it's the availability of this software to the middle class consumer and their ability to create on a scale that was never possible in the existence of photography.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tim Rollins and K.O.S.

Studied at the University of maine
special ed teacher in new York
Based in NYC

His Story
All works of art are like a time machine. It can take the past to the present and translate to the future.

September 11 2001
in studio in Chelsea

  • big beautiful painting about a mid summers night dream
  • top to floor windows looking towards the twin towers, see the trade centers are on fire
  • collaboration of students, adjacent of the destruction
  • now we know what side we are on
  • opened the windows, the smell from the south. Smelt like burning garbage but unfamiliar. 
sept 11 1981
  • just out of school from MAin and now in NYC
  • 24 years old
  • just help the school, 52 kelly street south bronx
  • just keep going on the train, elevated tracks.mile and miles of devistated empty burnt out buildings, the 9/11 smell. Packs of dogs and druggies and in the middle of the mess was a mother with her kids on the way to school.
  • chaos of the school.
  • they bet he wouldn't show up
  • the school was shut down on two floors, everyone was crammed.
  • graffiti tags, ceiling is covered with tags and charcoal 
  • the kids were diabolical about being creative
  • in the hip hop era because of him being a hero for showing up to this school
  • death mask face
  • make the best drawing you have ever made in your life, now. 
  • favorite word in the universe NOW
  • music and drawing
  • "will you stay" his whole life passed before his eyes
  • listen to the voice
  • His hero- Martin luther king Jr
  • The strgrenth of love -- anger has roots in grieving. 
  • its hard to teach art when they cant even spell paint
    • everything was learned through art-- history math english
  • Art and knowledge workshop with K.O.S.
    • they did works based off of work and literature
  • everyone is an artist
  • he knew he was going to make art but he felt they were going to make history
1993- just got back from Venice, Emmy and a move and the NY Times
  • rick form K.O.S. calls- emergency, St. Valentines Day Massacre 
  • Prospect Ave.
  • The area was starting to clean up
  • chris was killed, he just got accepted to school of art and design
  • he flew back to deal with the backlash
  • it wasn't sad, but he was still there
  • this is why we treat art better then we treat ourselves
  • it is a necessary for our lives, and its more of a reason to keep going on
contradiction of graffiti because it is a defacement and a glorification 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Food For Thought

How is collage affected by the industrial advancements, technological advancements and the evolution of literature and education?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Greenberg: Collage

The use of the world "reality" when used in the context of art is something that needs to be addressed within the confines of abstraction.  Even though the term reality would not even come close to trying to describe cubist works. At first the cubist works were taking three demential objects and creating them in a to demential plane.  The imitation of printing was the key to Braques' cubist pieces to give them depth.  The way that the letters are placed they changed planes, because of the tension between surface and depth the eyes are tricked.Cubist paintings started to transform with the help of artists adding different substances to paint.  In doing so the texture was calling attention to the surface of the painting.  This texture contrasted with the printing on the paintings but because of the texture there was only room for the text on the surface.  With the telescoping effect the need to keep concentrating the surface was something of a necessity. Picasso says to have made his first collage in 1911. Braque was using simulated textures, typography and had begun the broaden and simplify the facet-planes in 1910.  Literal flatness is something that is always present, now instead of representing it, a piece of pasted paper becomes that plane. By placing layers on top of drawings and then adding other elements it starts to push back the space and make it seem what is layered in the back is in a visual space reseeding away.  Picasso and Braque opped for the re-representation of space and objects, this is where analytical cubism came to and end, and synthetic cubism started.  "Drawing in space was Picasso's way of taking something flat and reconstructing it out of pieces of paper to inhabit a three demential space. Braque and Picasso never returned to collage after 1914. Gris would start out with abstracted shapes and then place pictures overtop that were recognizable.  Grist uses the juxtaposition to create space and tension even with out fully sketching out depth in his collages.  Gris was the one artist to really stick to synthetic cubism and collage and master it.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The cave part 3 and Uncanny Pt2

I will do another installation of this and rephotograph it.

The Evil eye, repositioned higher and the addition of a hindu prayer

Cut and Paste

The use of collage is something that is rare, but the impact of the images creates an interesting dynamic.  The weight of the images correlating with the dialog it is trying to have with it's viewer.  This is something that I had never been exposed to before, I had known of making it look aesthetically pleasing but there was never the connection to how much was on the page to the weight of the message it is trying to convey.

The use of collage is a modernist idea, to turn to as a new way of rethinking, reworking and repositioning media.

From the 60's on we have to begin looking at the art of collage as a consumer- as- creator genealogy.  As the launch of digital editing software, the use of digital media increased the popularity of collage and also the easy access to its creation.

The problem with the easy access of digital media to be formed into collage is the honesty of the picture, and its authenticity. Like the problem with a picture of Bert in a Bin laden propaganda poster, which sparked outrage amongst Americans. but in the end they found the image to have been created by a third party. So the need to know that some images are "fake" need to also be understood.

Introduction of Polyvore; it turns its users into customers. Think of the walls of a teenage girl, the pictures of celebrities, clothing, places, and just things that appeal to that age group. Polyvore take this stand point of what a person, factoring in age, likes. This will be a collage generator that is in mass production, using pictures that are all over the internet.  This is actually an in-genius idea.

Not until the mid 1990's that collage found a new artistic possibility. Larry Clarks' book was the first contemporary step forward in the art of collage. After him many artists followed in the scrapbook styled works.  They were taking popular art and mashing it with classical forms of collage.

then came Jeff Koons. I am not a fan of his work but his referencing to the pop culture and pop art is resonating in his collage 

Collage even if we don't notice it, it is a surrounding art that we experience everyday

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Devin Kovach

interested in observation

  • the way we see the places we inhabit 
  • how we perceive these places
  • how we understand that place
How he makes his work
  • printmaking is his passion
but photography and instillation is something else that is compelling. different ways of dealing with visual information

The experience of living in the city. Santa Fe, New Mexico. the transition of being in the open. Moved to Scotland.

  • the weight to the city the stone, heavy air and complete opposite to where he grew up.
Dealt with the change of atmosphere by drawings, how he showed the intense and chaotic environment and how it was a psychological dealings.  There is a relationship between his drawings and how he moved and saw the city.

  • he had to get out of the tight one point perspective.
This work culminated in his thesis exhibition

  • map imagery 
  • way to keep a connection to that place and maintaining a personal connection
he wanted to change the scale of his work
but also pushing it into the viewers pace

making the formation of a building that is "heavy" and make them light and transform

took a little break before going to grad school

  1. expand practice
  2. expand the ideas of art that you are making
  3. seek out opinions for why to go to grad school
  4. choose a program that best fits you not just for the name

Tyler School of art for his MFA

  • everything that seemed clear.. it totally changed
  • thinking not just making
  • expand the ideas that go into your work
  • defining conceptual work

constant onslaught of critiques and visits and pieces, shocking of finding that the confidence of making art. so he fell bak on what he knew that he knew well. His solution was to make things more complex.  He came to a new environment but he kept reaching back to undergrad for insperation, something was just off to him.

The use of left overs from old works

  • how the paper hung in space and how it made interesting details and perspectives
  • depth, perspective, and dynamic space.
  • it seemed too easy that it must not be a serious. high lights the importance of play in studio time. Make mistakes 
having a studio to go to all the time

making constructions and instillation sketches

"all the interesting work i have done is against all the ideas I have had.."- william kentradge

-painters tape
-dowel rods
-scrim fabric
>^lines of the scaffolding and the lines of the building that was just a silly sketches and then it became an exercise of a flat space and it started to invade the studio. not just an imaginary place a real place that he had a relationship to. drawing attention to something that may seem mundane and a nuisance. this began to set things in motion and nature and construction was constantly impacting the piece.

Taking pictures of the windows instillation and how these photographs departed from the reality of the space. we are so used to seeing and understanding without really trying and his images make you stop and take a second look. working between photography and the installation.

The experience of travel

  • mentally stimulating
  • 2nd year in rome
  • how was it going to translate in a different context
  • you take nothing for granted because you are unfamiliar to the place. and to him this equates to inspiration
  • roman architecture added into his work
  • impression of spaces, relating to ruins and the memories to a place and a space
  • to not invoke structure but to only reference it 
  • photography because more prominent, black and white,  the dark room the relationship of process
  • impression of the light around you
  • light became and element in his work, how light transforms and confuses space
    • fabric and light(video projection)
    • light phenomena from Rome

Using light made him think about how time affect the pieces, using the little light phenomena
everything was site specific
the layers of architecture and the layers of light that came from the place itself. The element of time is still playing a roll. How night and day translated to different spaces

how people impact the art and space. using residency as an outlet to make more work

the illusion of space and light and making the viewer stand away from his instillation and how it changes the relationship. Seeing and understanding and seeing and believing. Then taking photographs of special spaces.
"..seeing something that isn't visible"- Norman McClean  A River Runs through it

Prints, use of photographs and distorting them.
Associations of what home means, a deep connection a place you have seen in different seasons and seeing it over time. What was the original scene?

last thought
get outside , your country, your town, your social group engage as much as you can. There is so much happening and you have to look at the different views of reality.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chapter 4


What are the conventions between realism and abstract?
            How do we deem something to look realistic and another to be abstract?
                        -to be held by ideals to be looking like the actual object.

Pectoral images appear to have served as form of symbolic communications and expression among members of different religions when it was the time of persecutions, these symbols were a way for them to hide the true meaning from outsiders.

In the Renaissance the practice of artists changed because they labored to reproduce the appearance of a scene, as the eye of an observer would see it.
            This does not mean it became more scientific but the space as a replica of what embodied eye would see took on greater symbolic, spiritual and philosophical meaning.

Reproductability in images is not just about the capacity of art works and images to be copied but also the aim to copy, or reproduce, the real.

Cubism- the art of making an object in its simplest form and then these simple shapes are shifted in space due to multiple viewpoints.


Today an old image is viewed from a different perspective then it was when it was first created.

We take context clues about the style and technique to determine time period.

Neoclassical - art that aims to reproduce aspects of classical fine art.

The Pre-Raphaelite- they were a group of artists who were driven to create non-conventional art in the Victorian era to reference the medieval painter and sculptor.


Noticing changes in aesthetics and styles of naturalist or realist images over time, we do more then simply chart taste or progress in the history of art. We also follow the development of different ways of seeing, and different views about value and meaning.

The term realism refers to a set of conventional belief or a style of art or representation. At a given point in a historical moment to accurately represent nature or the real or to convey and interpret accurate or universal meanings about people, objects, and events in the world.
What do the different approaches to realism tell us about the cultural and politics of a given social context. There is no universal standard for realism, and the idea about that constitutes realism can vary drastically.

Soviet Constructivist Realism Manifesto of the 1930s.  The government was telling artists that they must depict art in a specific way be cause that is the “right way” . Limiting the freedom of artists.  Any artist that was outside of the realist style was deemed degenerate.  In 1974 abstract painters Oscar Rabine and Evgeny Rukhin had a public display of unofficial abstract art made by artists who defied the mandate.

Michel Foucault, in his book “The Order of Things”, used the term episteme to describe the way that and inquiry into truth is organized on a given era. An episteme is an accepted dominant mode of acquiring and organizing knowledge in a given period of history.


The representation of objects in a space as if seen by an observer through a window or frame. In perspective, the size and detail of the objects depicted corresponds to their relative distance from the m=imaged position of the observer.

The Enlightenment promised the power of human reason would overcome superstition, end ignorance through the development of scientific knowledge, bring prosperity through the technical mastery of nature, and introduce justice and order to human affairs.

The system introduced by Brunelleschi involved the concept of regarding the picture as kind of a mirror or window frame through which one sees the world.

Architectural drawing relies on the precision of a representational system that emphasizes the measurability of basic structures of forms in space


Mantegna adjusted the drawing so it most important feature, the head, would not look too tiny. The compression makes Christ’s feet and chest cage loom and his face appears squished.

Durer, realism is achieved by making a composite of views and parts from a varety of observed forms. Realism in this case, is achieved not by seeing one scene from the fixed perspective of an imagines spectator but by combining parts views sketched at different times of different bodies in different places and merging them into composite whole.

Da Vinci’s technique is called perspective anamorphous.


Today, perspective is recognized as one among a number of possible means of realism among others; it no longer characterizes our era’s episteme in a totalizing way.


Perspective in its traditional forms has remained tied to the idea of an objective depiction of reality.

Impressionism was an art movement of the late 19th century that featured work that used visible brushstrokes and impressionistic depictions of light to capture a sense of human vision differently.

Monet examined the process of looking by painting different works of the same scene to show subtle changes due to shifting light and color over time

In 1907 two painters, Braque and Picasso, became interested in depicting objects from several different points of view simultaneously.

Cubism was a style that deliberately challenged the dominant model of perspective through an analytic system that broke up the perspectival space of the conventional painterly style

Action painting drew from the surrealist interest in automatism, a technique of writing, drawing, and painting in which the producer marks the surface with spontaneous gestures, giving little or no attention to the aesthetic from that results.  It is an uncensored release of the inner feelings of the artist and that the marks on the canvas would express these feelings without direct pictorial symbolism

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Greg Thielker

Sites and non-sites

Lived all over the world. Making work where ever you are.

Read an image, the feeling the story behind the image.

How we process an image


  • pushed ideas not technique
  • after graduation he moved to colorado to paint
  • Landscape, physical that is a memory of the place
Portable materials
  •  going out and not letting materials stop you
St Louis 
  • Grad school
  • Studio group 
Through the Windshield 
  • oil painting 
  • what you would see as you were driving
  • separated from the outside world while totally immersed in it
  • a balance of realism and abstraction
  • 5-6 years working in this 
Experiences abroad- teaching, volunteering, projects
  • "do the marco polo route"
  • American Vertigo by Bernard - Henri Levy and Rory Steward
  • the double narrative
  • Residency in India
    • don't come with materials or a plan
    • nothing to lose but not knowing how it would work
    • temple sites from 1000 ad, describe their journey to the temple. Made an installation next to the temple.
    • month long experience
    • many different people, musicians writers musicians. Keeping the conversation alive.
  • Larger project about India
    • there is no single truth
    • be a channel about many views for one single place
    • from Kolkata to Dehli
    • went to paint but he did drawings instead, more flexible
    • drawing every 76 km
    • made it more democratic 
    • small drawings 
  • the similarities within the small drawing
  • moment between old and new, and did interviews. Reinforcing and learning about the place
  • collision of old and new
  • Drew the road, no nonsense approach
Interview Quotes
  • drivers - "brother this is the oldest one, this shrine is from my grandfathers time, and no one knows hold old this is,... one person makes money and the rest surfers.. "
    • the frustration and grim acceptance of reality
Downtown DC
  • arrange the millage stops along the road, all done with pencils 
  • biggest is 10.5 -11 feet long
  • all to fit into the carryon 
  • quotes and pictures
  • receipt from Calcutta - the journey as much as the stops
  • the rose petals 
  • support of funding agencies, but mostly on their own.
  • unfiltered access to people and communities
  • overlap of history, Quadram, military base is there. 
  • Crystal vase
  • grave yard of tanks
  • THe citadel and covered by an Afghan military base 
  • more about history rather then military
  • mud compound , it makes people safe, they feel sheltered
  • every time he thought he understood something, another thing came up and changed his view
  • simply documenting the place
  • what can he learn and how can he display that history in an image
  • drawing on Afghan newspaper. two flags tied together.
  • scarves, the afghan dark striped older generation, young men the pixelated scarf
  • air space, and interviews 
  • the multiple picture of the space, the snow to spring or rebirth