Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Allegory of the Cave

The Allegory of the Cave.

--Socraties and Glaucon speak of a cave in which prisoners are held.
-- The darkness is all surrounding, the sight of light is something that the prisoners would find painful and also foreign.
-- The objects the prisoners see on the wall would be something familiar to them, if the true objects were to be placed in front of them they would not seem real, because they have never been exposed to it.
--This is something that is almost sad. It is spoken how painful it would haven been for these prisoners to look into the light or even move. 
-- If these men were to be released there would be confusion, wonder and even terror.  They have been kept in the dark for so long to go out in to the world, and the light, would be an overwhelming situation and one that could even send their sensory processes in to a tailspin.
--How would someone transition from life in darkness to life in the sun; would it be a new life that object seem strange because the shadows seem to the their truest form for the prisoners?
--There are two types of bewilderment, going into the light and going into darkness.
-- if not for seeing in the dark, there is no seeing in the light.  The only way to truly understand what you see is to be held at the point of no return.

--The truest rulers must be brought from the darkness.

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